Friday, January 25, 2008


I installed Ubuntu on an old Dell GX150 several months ago, and I must say I am impressed. This is my first real foray into the Linux world, and while I can run rings around most windows users in the command prompt, I have been a little nervous about starting Linux. Of course some Linux users will probably say I haven't really started using Linux yet. And since the install and configuration of Ubuntu is all easy and gui driven , I would agree that I have not really gotten into the guts of the OS like I have in Windows.

But I am slowly learning about Linux, and soon I hope to install Xubuntu on one of these GX150's I have, so that I can compare the two distros.

And after that it's FreeBSD, or maybe Haiku. I could run a vmware session of Haiku I guess. Or maybe I will just pick a random OS from the FreeOs website.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Currently reading #3

I just read, Much Ado About Nothing. While I have read a good bit of Shakespeare, I have never read MAaN. I have seen Kenneth Branagh's very enjoyable movie, so I knew most of what was going to happen but I found the missing parts, the parts not in the movie, to be delightful.

I also have just started Machiavelli's The Prince. Which seems to be interesting so far. More later...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Between Jobs

My last contract ended 12/31, so I am looking for work again.

So between Christmas and this I have not had the time to blog.

I have several things that I want to get out here though so I am going to play catch up over the next few days I think.

Update: In January I decided to spend a few months focusing on the business that I co-own